Portfolio Composition Files

Under this page, you find the official portfolio composition files. These files are only provided to those where Vinter calculates portfolio composition files.

Vinter calculates official closing values for its NAV, PCF, and EOD files. Currently, this time is 16:00 London time. At this time all values are calculated and published on the portal. These files are automatically sent to all users in the organization account. If a user updates a field after the official publication time it is the latest official value that is updated.

This file contains 4 sheets in the following order:

  • Portfolio Composition File

  • Net Asset Value

  • Portfolio Composition

  • Documentation

On each page, you can find information about the portfolio composition, net asset values, and documentation.

Every time you receive the PCF file, all the fields in the file are recalculated using the official end-of-day reference values.

Portfolio Composition File

The format of the PCF file is as follows

The file contains the following variables

Additionally, the following variables describe each of the PCF constituent:

Last updated