Multi Assets Real Time
The multi assets real-time endpoint returns values on a specific multi asset index that is calculated on a continuous basis.
The endpoint requires an API key and it requires that the symbol of the index is specified using the symbol parameter. If the limit parameter is not specified the latest value is returned. To ensure chronological ordering of the index values you should sort the values using the timestmp field. The endpoint only returns a maximum of 2000 records Example URL
Response Fields
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer | The record's id in the source table. A id that equals 0 means that it is not an official value. |
created_at | string | ISO formatted datetime representing the calculation time |
value | number | The index value |
symbol | string | The index symbol. |
timestamp | integer | Unix timestamp in milliseconds representing the calculation time. |
rebalance_values | array | A array of Objects of rebalance values |
rebalance_weights | object | Object of rebalance weights |
current_weights | object | Object of current weights |
current_values | array | A array of Objects of current values |
This is a sample response for asset vntr-eq-5-r
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
symbol* | String | The ticker of the requested index |
limit | Integer | The number of records to obtain. If the parameter is not specified the last record will be returned. |
start_time | datestring | Received range includes the start time date. The start_time value has to be either a date or a datetime string in ISO8601 format. The formats allowed are therefore: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.fffZ YYYY-MM-DD |
end_time | datestring | Received range excludes the end_time . The end_time value has to be either a date or a datetime string in ISO8601 format. The formats allowed are therefore: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.fffZ YYYY-MM-DD |
Name | Type | Description |
Authorization* | String | your_secret_api_key |
The multi-asset endpoint offers comprehensive metadata about the index. If you only require specific index data filtering, you can utilize the following code snippet below to retrieve filtered data based on specific fields.
Note: It is important to note that the data available on the multi_assets_real_time endpoint is trimmed on a daily basis at 00:40 UTC. This means that the endpoint provides real-time data for a period of 24 hours prior to the current time , and at 00:40 UTC each day, the data is trimmed and only the data from the preceding 24 hours is retained.
Please read the following for detailed information on parameters.
API Requests ParametersLast updated