Active Multi Assets

The active multi assets endpoint returns information on all multi assets indexes.

You can use this endpoint to retrieve information on your index. You can either pass the short name of the index or its internal API symbol. If you pass neither symbol nor short name, you receive information on all indexes Vinter calculates.

You can use this symbol to retrieve the new constituents before rebalancing. The new constituent will be the dictionary keys in the next_rebalance_weights field. Please see the response field section for more information about the endpoint's response field, and for information about how the endpoint is updated at rebalancing, please see below.

The endpoint can be used to

  • Find internal API symbols you can use to query other multi-asset endpoints.

  • Retrieve new constituents and rebalance weights before rebalancing.

  • Retrieving indicative rebalancing weights on the 15th of the rebalancing month.

  • Other index information that is present in the endpoint.

The rebalance weights are updated after the official end-of-day value and before 00:00 UTC on the day of rebalance Example URL

This endpoint returns information for the current multi assets indexes. Below is a list of the current fields that the endpoint provide

Response Fields


Query Parameters

  "result": "success",
  "message": "Success",
  "data": [
      "symbol": "vntw-defii-10-d",
      "weights": {
        "bnb-usd-p-5-d": 0.09816399033743,
        "eth-usd-p-5-d": 0.36862252314521,
        "sol-usd-p-5-d": 0.02272202349228,
        "uni-usd-p-5-d": 0.25227939059158,
        "aave-usd-p-5-d": 0.06461348583879,
        "avax-usd-p-5-d": 0.01049146302509,
        "link-usd-p-5-d": 0.18310712356963
      "previous_rebalance_date": "2022-10-31",
      "next_rebalance_date": "2023-01-31",
      "previous_review_date": "2022-10-24",
      "next_review_date": "2023-01-24",
      "next_rebalance_weights": {
        "bnb-usd-p-5-d": 0.09816399033743,
        "eth-usd-p-5-d": 0.36862252314521,
        "sol-usd-p-5-d": 0.02272202349228,
        "uni-usd-p-5-d": 0.25227939059158,
        "aave-usd-p-5-d": 0.06461348583879,
        "avax-usd-p-5-d": 0.01049146302509,
        "link-usd-p-5-d": 0.18310712356963
      "indicative_rebalance_weights": {
        "bnb-usd-p-5-d": 0.09816399033743,
        "eth-usd-p-5-d": 0.36862252314521,
        "sol-usd-p-5-d": 0.02272202349228,
        "uni-usd-p-5-d": 0.25227939059158,
        "aave-usd-p-5-d": 0.06461348583879,
        "avax-usd-p-5-d": 0.01049146302509,
        "link-usd-p-5-d": 0.18310712356963
      "indicative_rebalance_date": "2022-12-25",
      "short_name": "DEFII",
      "long_name": "Vinter 21Shares DeFi 10 Infrastructure Index",
      "bloomberg_ticker": null,
      "eikon_ticker": null
  "params": {

Endpoint Updates At Rebalancing

The endpoint continuously updates between the calculation date and the rebalancing date for each index.

  1. One day after the calculation date, the next_rebalance_weights field is updated with the new rebalance weights for the index.

  2. After the publication time on the rebalancing day, the next_rebalance_weights field is moved to the weights field. After moving the next_rebalance_weights field to the weights field, the following fields are set to Null.

    1. next_rebalance_date (Is updated 12 - 24 hours after rebalancing)

    2. next_rebalance_weights

    3. next_review_date (Is updated 12 - 24 hours after rebalancing)

    4. previous_review_date (Is updated 12 - 24 hours after rebalancing)

    5. previous_rebalance_date (Is updated 12 - 24 hours after rebalancing)

    6. indicative_rebalance_weights

    7. indicative_rebalance_date

You know that the weights field contains the rebalancing weight for the next rebalance period if all the above fields are Null. Vinter suggests retrieving the new rebalancing weights a couple of days before rebalancing. This is possible since the review and rebalance dates are never the same.

Last updated